Guangzhoushi Baiyunqu Longhao Leather Factory, legally registered on Mar. 21, 2013, is located at 3rd Floor, Building 5, No. 19, Xiatian Industrial Road, 16th Community, Wanggang Village, Jiahe Street, Baiyun District, Guangzhou, China.
Our website offering a variety of custom id card holders. These include durable and stylish card holders, passport holders, luggage tags, and other personalized accessories. We focus on providing high-quality, customized products that meet the unique needs of our customers, ensuring both functionality and personal expression.
Why you
need scannable card?
Under 21: Join party, EDM, Club,
Casino, Road Trip, Dating or Event at liquor Store
Online Verification: Verify payment, Jobs Applications, investment etc.
IDLORD is the one step shop of scannable card service provider. We are the harbinger in the scannable card industry. The high-tech printing method keeping up to date to ensure each card of IDLORD’s scannable card can pass all the security testing.
Our Product
Both side Holograms, Scannable Bar-code, Numbers of security features, and be assured to pass all kinds of testing (Bar, Club, Black light, UV… )
All Around Service
24/7 Customer Service
100% Payment Security
Gift cards, USDT, BTC, etc
High Quality
Premium ID Production
Incredible Operation Team
Free Shipping within 2 weeks